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Blanket/Afghan Sizes June 2021

Blanket/Afghan Sizes June 2021

Blanket/Afghan Sizes June 2021

It’s that time of the year when we turn our attention to crocheting and knitting afghans/blankets.  Not only can we be productive, but as they grow they can keep us warm at the same time – making them the perfect winter project.

Common questions I get at this time of year is how big is an afghan blanket and how much yarn is needed?

Unfortunately there is no one simple answer to either question.  The sizes of blankets vary by designer and individual taste, as well as the amount of ‘drape’ that is desired – that is, how much do you want the blanket to hang off the sides of the bed.  The amount of yarn needed is also dependent on the pattern – as some patterns chew up more yarn than others.

Below is a table of common sizes of different types of blankets and average yarn needed based on no drape (ie no hanging over the sides) and using a basic stitch.

Size – No Drape


4ply yarn


8 ply yarn


Receiving Blankets

–  Square

–  Rectangle


90 x 90

80 x 100







Bassinet 80 x 90 1480 950
Pram/Stroller 35 x 80 800 500

–   Small

–   Large


110 x 110

120 x 120







Toddler/Small single 90 x 120 1900 1500
Lap 70 x 90 1200 900
Throw/Adult single 120 x 160 3000 2600
Double 130 x 180 4000 3300
Queen 180 x 190 5500 4600
King 190 x 190 5800 4800

If you want to add drape measure how much overhang you want on each side and add this to these measurements.  On average for every squared cm extra required add 20cm of yarn (4 ply) or 14cm (8 ply).

If you are doing a fancy pattern or using thicker/thinner yarn, the only way to really know how much yarn you need is to make a small guage swatch with the yarn you want to use and in the pattern you are going to do, then apply some maths.

Step 1: Measure out how much yarn has been used.  You can do this one of two ways:

  •  by weighing your swatch and using the meterage and weight on the ball label work out a metre per gram.  Multiply the metre per gram by the weight the swatch.
  • mark the yarn where you finish the swatch and pull it undone measuring the yarn against a tape measure.

Step 2: Measure the size of your swatch and calculate this as number of squared cm (Length x Width in cm).

Step 3:  Divide the metres used per step 1, by the number of squared cm per step 2 to give yarn used per squared cm.

Step 4: Using the table above (or the desired size of your blanket) work out the total squared cm in your blanket.

Step 5: Multiple the yarn per squared cm per step 3 by the total squared cm of your blanket per step 4.  And this will be the approx meterage of yarn needed for your blanket.

Step 6: If you haven’t yet bought the yarn, use some yarn of equivalent thickness from you stash to get a rough idea of how much is needed